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ctpci with multiple cards
Posted by: Ektus Aug,21.2010-07:47 

To my knowledge, its is still impossible to use more than one PCI card with the ctpci.

Question 1: Is it possible to use a single network card (without graphics card)?

Question 2: If Q1 can be answered with "yes", would it be possible to stack two ctpci, using one for the graphics card and the second for somethimg else (network, USB)?

With best regards

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Topic Posted by  Date 
ctpci with multiple cards Ektus Aug,21.2010-07:47
  Re: ctpci with multiple cards Didier Méquignon Aug,21.2010-11:23
    Re: ctpci with multiple cards Beetle Aug,22.2010-12:51
      Re: ctpci with multiple cards Didier Méquignon Aug,22.2010-17:24
        Re: ctpci with multiple cards Beetle Aug,22.2010-23:00
          Re: ctpci with multiple cards Didier Méquignon Aug,23.2010-12:43
            Re: ctpci with multiple cards Beetle Aug,23.2010-15:19
              Re: ctpci with multiple cards Didier Méquignon Aug,23.2010-18:00
                Re: ctpci with multiple cards Beetle Aug,23.2010-18:27

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