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Re: cleaning dust
Posted by: mikro Aug,18.2010-09:23 

Saulot, what do you mean under "short names" ? 8+3 names? I run OT only from my d: (TOS FS), how do you think I tested it under TOS? ;-)

I also spotted some troubles with sound enabled occasionally, try to run with -s parameter if it get any better.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
cleaning dust mikro Aug,15.2010-18:34
  Re: cleaning dust saulot Aug,15.2010-19:23
    Re: cleaning dust mikro Aug,15.2010-19:42
      Re: cleaning dust saulot Aug,15.2010-21:43
        Re: cleaning dust mikro Aug,15.2010-23:01
          Re: cleaning dust saulot Aug,15.2010-23:22
  Re: cleaning dust CiH Aug,15.2010-19:59
  Re: cleaning dust ggn Aug,15.2010-21:23
    Re: cleaning dust mac-falcon Aug,16.2010-09:54
  Re: cleaning dust Joe Iron Aug,17.2010-20:26
    Re: cleaning dust saulot Aug,17.2010-23:55
      Re: cleaning dust mac-falcon Aug,18.2010-09:21
        Re: cleaning dust mikro Aug,18.2010-09:25
      Re: cleaning dust mikro Aug,18.2010-09:23
        Re: cleaning dust saulot Aug,18.2010-09:39
          Re: cleaning dust mikro Aug,18.2010-15:05
        Re: cleaning dust Joe Iron Aug,18.2010-10:03
          Re: cleaning dust Joe Iron Aug,23.2010-12:49
            Re: cleaning dust mikro Aug,23.2010-20:04
              Re: cleaning dust Joe Iron Aug,23.2010-21:19
                Re: cleaning dust mikro Aug,24.2010-09:36
                  Re: cleaning dust Joe Iron Aug,24.2010-15:15
                    Re: cleaning dust mac-falcon Aug,27.2010-14:27

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