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Re: SuperVidel Blitter status
Posted by: Oldskool Jun,17.2010-19:15 

Hi Instream,

Thanks for your answer.
As you probably know on the Amiga platform they developed a PPC board called Blizzard PPC (late '90s). You could also get a videocard for that which could connect to this device called B-Vision. These devices where manufactured in such a way that they could fit in the standard A1200 housing (due to heat reason only the 060 version, there was also a 040 version which got much hotter, (yeah there were two processors on these things also a PPC)).
The B vision videocard also used a flat cable with a connector which you could connect on the outside of the housing. (sounds like I'm Amiga expert but a friend of mine hat such an Amiga set-up, Was always a bit jealous of him back then)

I was therefore wondering if you would consider the same option. But based on your answer I see that you are already considering this.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
SuperVidel Blitter status Instream Jun,11.2010-23:02
  Re: SuperVidel Blitter status mikro Jun,12.2010-08:45
  Re: SuperVidel Blitter status ggn Jun,12.2010-17:50
  Re: SuperVidel Blitter status quackmore Jun,12.2010-20:08
    Re: SuperVidel Blitter status quackmore Jun,12.2010-20:09
      Re: SuperVidel Blitter status CiH Jun,13.2010-01:39
        Re: SuperVidel Blitter status Sascha Jun,13.2010-10:23
          Re: SuperVidel Blitter status mac-falcon Jun,13.2010-21:22
    Re: SuperVidel Blitter status Instream Jun,14.2010-23:23
      Re: SuperVidel Blitter status CiH Jun,15.2010-00:47
  Re: SuperVidel Blitter status evil Jun,14.2010-16:52
    Re: SuperVidel Blitter status quackmore Jun,15.2010-06:26
      Re: SuperVidel Blitter status quackmore Jun,15.2010-06:27
      Re: SuperVidel Blitter status Instream Jun,15.2010-11:26
        Re: SuperVidel Blitter status Beetle Jun,15.2010-12:24
        Re: SuperVidel Blitter status sqward Jun,15.2010-13:50
          Re: SuperVidel Blitter status Instream Jun,15.2010-14:11
            Re: SuperVidel Blitter status sqward Jun,15.2010-14:40
              Re: SuperVidel Blitter status Instream Jun,15.2010-15:14
        Re: SuperVidel Blitter status quackmore Jun,15.2010-19:33
          Re: SuperVidel Blitter status Oldskool Jun,15.2010-20:36
            Re: SuperVidel Blitter status Instream Jun,16.2010-23:06
              Re: SuperVidel Blitter status Oldskool Jun,17.2010-19:15
                Re: SuperVidel Blitter status sqward Jun,17.2010-21:25
                  Re: SuperVidel Blitter status Instream Jun,17.2010-21:54
              Re: SuperVidel Blitter status Carbon Jun,17.2010-21:43
                Re: SuperVidel Blitter status calimero Jun,20.2010-09:58
                  Re: SuperVidel Blitter status Instream Jun,25.2010-11:44

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