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Re: SuperVidel Blitter status
Posted by: Instream Jun,15.2010-11:26 

1) What wasn't in Evil's video here was the boot-screen, which should give you a good picture of how compatible it is. Today we can run demos and exit them, and get back the an enhanced desktop resolution. This works as long as the demo/game saves and restores the Videl registers directly, which most do. As we've said earlier we have working VGA resolutions (except 2-bit mode, since it uses another way of "counting" and ST modes). RGB is left to do. But that will most probably be fixed in a future firmware update, so we can focus on producing this thing.

2) Henrik will design a small ethernet board (about 3x5 cm, 1.2" x 2") when he gets off work in about 2 weeks. Then I'll have to include an open source MAC controller in the FPGA. The board will be very low cost since it uses only a PHY chip and RJ45 connector (plus other small necessary components of course). The EtherNat had a full MAC+PHY controller, which was 10x times as expensive.

Henrik came up with a clever name for the new board: SVethLANa :D haha
It stands for SuperVidel ethernet LAN adapter... :P


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Topic Posted by  Date 
SuperVidel Blitter status Instream Jun,11.2010-23:02
  Re: SuperVidel Blitter status mikro Jun,12.2010-08:45
  Re: SuperVidel Blitter status ggn Jun,12.2010-17:50
  Re: SuperVidel Blitter status quackmore Jun,12.2010-20:08
    Re: SuperVidel Blitter status quackmore Jun,12.2010-20:09
      Re: SuperVidel Blitter status CiH Jun,13.2010-01:39
        Re: SuperVidel Blitter status Sascha Jun,13.2010-10:23
          Re: SuperVidel Blitter status mac-falcon Jun,13.2010-21:22
    Re: SuperVidel Blitter status Instream Jun,14.2010-23:23
      Re: SuperVidel Blitter status CiH Jun,15.2010-00:47
  Re: SuperVidel Blitter status evil Jun,14.2010-16:52
    Re: SuperVidel Blitter status quackmore Jun,15.2010-06:26
      Re: SuperVidel Blitter status quackmore Jun,15.2010-06:27
      Re: SuperVidel Blitter status Instream Jun,15.2010-11:26
        Re: SuperVidel Blitter status Beetle Jun,15.2010-12:24
        Re: SuperVidel Blitter status sqward Jun,15.2010-13:50
          Re: SuperVidel Blitter status Instream Jun,15.2010-14:11
            Re: SuperVidel Blitter status sqward Jun,15.2010-14:40
              Re: SuperVidel Blitter status Instream Jun,15.2010-15:14
        Re: SuperVidel Blitter status quackmore Jun,15.2010-19:33
          Re: SuperVidel Blitter status Oldskool Jun,15.2010-20:36
            Re: SuperVidel Blitter status Instream Jun,16.2010-23:06
              Re: SuperVidel Blitter status Oldskool Jun,17.2010-19:15
                Re: SuperVidel Blitter status sqward Jun,17.2010-21:25
                  Re: SuperVidel Blitter status Instream Jun,17.2010-21:54
              Re: SuperVidel Blitter status Carbon Jun,17.2010-21:43
                Re: SuperVidel Blitter status calimero Jun,20.2010-09:58
                  Re: SuperVidel Blitter status Instream Jun,25.2010-11:44

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