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Re: Radeon driver news
Posted by: Patrice Mandin Sep,11.2009-22:38 

Regarding 3D, currently on Linux, this is Mesa that is used; both for software or hardware accelerated rendering.
On Atari, the simplest solution would be to have 3D only in fullscreen (using a video mode set using Xbios).
For windowed OpenGL under GEM, there is a missing layer to write to interface VDI and OpenGL; It's called glx on x11, wgl on windows, agl on Mac. We would need to define some interface to tell OpenGL to render in some offscreen VDI virtual workstation, and then flush the final rendering to the screen when needed.
Easier said than done.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Radeon driver news Didier Méquignon Sep,10.2009-19:51
  Re: Radeon driver news FDR1980 Sep,11.2009-00:04
  Re: Radeon driver news sqward Sep,11.2009-10:58
    Re: Radeon driver news Didier Méquignon Sep,11.2009-11:40
      Re: Radeon driver news sqward Sep,11.2009-12:35
        Re: Radeon driver news Didier Méquignon Sep,11.2009-13:43
        Re: Radeon driver news Didier Méquignon Sep,11.2009-14:30
      Re: Radeon driver news Patrice Mandin Sep,11.2009-22:38
        Re: Radeon driver news Didier Méquignon Sep,12.2009-09:28
      Re: Radeon driver news alanh Sep,13.2009-20:57
  Re: Radeon driver news Beetle Sep,18.2009-00:47
    Re: Radeon driver news Didier Méquignon Sep,18.2009-10:22
      Re: Radeon driver news PeterS Oct,12.2009-12:20
        Re: Radeon driver news Didier Mequignon Oct,12.2009-18:26

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