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Re: Technically impressive games?
Posted by: ggn Jun,11.2014-10:29 

Here's Richard Aplin explaining his system a bit in his Final Fight hidden text (full text here:

"Any road up, on this game I'm reasonably pleased with the interrupt-driven
disk loader; everyone else did it ages ago - so did I, but that sort of
loading is not really suitable for most types of games: you need dynamic
memory-allocation and multi-tasking uncrunch routines for a start, and then
you run into all sorts of problems with ram fragmentation, and eventually
you end up spending more time sorting out the problems caused by the system
than it solves, but I thought I might as well use it in Final Fight, just
so that Ronald McDonald at the Sales Curve would shut up! (Sorry Ronald!)

Oh yeah.. the real-time x/y-flipping and decompressing sprite-routine is
alright too.. but a tad slow. Ah well, the Line of Fire real-time scaling
sprite routine was slightly neat as well, and look how slow that game was!"

And here's the Sales Curve giving a bit of detail for their system (full text

“The loading system was called DLS (Dynamic Loader System),” says Amiga/ST programmer John Croudy, recalling the ingenious technique. “We actually developed the idea for The Ninja Warriors, which had separate levels but loaded its sprites [moving objects] ahead of time. In SWIV this loader was reinvented and updated to allow both background tiles and sprites to be loaded in advance. The level map had markers for each background section or sprite, placed so that a sprite that was going to be needed sometime in the near future got loaded in time.“

Not much but I guess these texts will at least give you some ideas :).

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Technically impressive games? PeyloW Jun,07.2014-22:08
  Re: Technically impressive games? ggn Jun,08.2014-10:06
    Re: Technically impressive games? AdamK Jun,08.2014-13:34
    Re: Technically impressive games? gwEm/PHF Jun,08.2014-21:17
    Re: Technically impressive games? PeyloW Jun,08.2014-22:46
    Re: Technically impressive games? PeyloW Jun,10.2014-22:58
      Re: Technically impressive games? ggn Jun,11.2014-10:29
  Re: Technically impressive games? evil Jun,09.2014-13:32
    Re: Technically impressive games? PeyloW Jun,09.2014-20:05
    Re: Technically impressive games? ggn Jun,11.2014-10:51
    Re: Technically impressive games? Grey Jun,11.2014-23:21
  Re: Technically impressive games? Thomas / New Beat Jun,10.2014-08:17
    Re: Technically impressive games? Laurent / Thadoss Jun,10.2014-22:41
      Re: Technically impressive games? Mic Jun,12.2014-19:35
  Re: Technically impressive games? quackmore Jun,18.2014-05:41
    Re: Technically impressive games? quackmore Jun,18.2014-05:44
      Re: Technically impressive games? quackmore Jun,18.2014-05:48
        Re: Technically impressive games? Alien/ST-CNX Jun,23.2014-22:13
          Re: Technically impressive games? miggy Oct,20.2014-01:57

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