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Atari coding BBS
Technically impressive games?
Posted by: PeyloW Jun,07.2014-22:08 

What is in your opinion the most technically impressive games on the ST?

Enchanted Land is on my list, tull frame rate and sync scrolling, quite an accHievement by TCB. Too bad it is barely playable enough to be called a game. Never been able to get past level one without cheating.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Technically impressive games? PeyloW Jun,07.2014-22:08
  Re: Technically impressive games? ggn Jun,08.2014-10:06
    Re: Technically impressive games? AdamK Jun,08.2014-13:34
    Re: Technically impressive games? gwEm/PHF Jun,08.2014-21:17
    Re: Technically impressive games? PeyloW Jun,08.2014-22:46
    Re: Technically impressive games? PeyloW Jun,10.2014-22:58
      Re: Technically impressive games? ggn Jun,11.2014-10:29
  Re: Technically impressive games? evil Jun,09.2014-13:32
    Re: Technically impressive games? PeyloW Jun,09.2014-20:05
    Re: Technically impressive games? ggn Jun,11.2014-10:51
    Re: Technically impressive games? Grey Jun,11.2014-23:21
  Re: Technically impressive games? Thomas / New Beat Jun,10.2014-08:17
    Re: Technically impressive games? Laurent / Thadoss Jun,10.2014-22:41
      Re: Technically impressive games? Mic Jun,12.2014-19:35
  Re: Technically impressive games? quackmore Jun,18.2014-05:41
    Re: Technically impressive games? quackmore Jun,18.2014-05:44
      Re: Technically impressive games? quackmore Jun,18.2014-05:48
        Re: Technically impressive games? Alien/ST-CNX Jun,23.2014-22:13
          Re: Technically impressive games? miggy Oct,20.2014-01:57

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