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Re: Another STE question
Posted by: RA/pdx May,11.2012-11:56 

Hi Bod,

These two code snippets do different things.

The 1st one is restarting the blitter again in HOG mode, so you donīt completely "waste" the 64 CPU cycles and go back to the blitter task as fast as possible. This method is only slightly slower than BLIT mode but permits interrupts.

The 2nd one is just waiting until the blitter has completely finished his task. So you "waste" the CPU cycles in HOG mode.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Another STE question Bod/STAX May,10.2012-20:28
  Re: Another STE question RA/pdx May,11.2012-11:56
    Re: Another STE question Bod/STAX May,11.2012-13:06
    Re: Another STE question Cyprian May,11.2012-13:17
      Re: Another STE question RA/pdx May,11.2012-21:04
        Re: Another STE question Bod/STAX May,12.2012-12:41
          Re: Another STE question evil May,12.2012-14:45
            Re: Another STE question Bod/STAX May,12.2012-17:56
              Re: Another STE question evil May,12.2012-18:24
                Re: Another STE question Bod/STAX May,12.2012-21:20
                  Re: Another STE question evil May,13.2012-13:17
                    Re: Another STE question Frank b May,14.2012-20:16
              Re: Another STE question Cyprian May,13.2012-18:22
  Re: Another STE question Patrice Mandin May,13.2012-14:38
    Re: Another STE question Bod/STAX May,15.2012-11:15
      Re: Another STE question evil May,16.2012-09:17
        Re: Another STE question Bod/STAX May,16.2012-21:30
          Re: Another STE question evil May,16.2012-22:40
            Re: Another STE question Bod/STAX May,17.2012-01:10
              Re: Another STE question Klaz May,17.2012-14:08
                Re: Another STE question Bod/STAX May,17.2012-21:35
                  Re: Another STE question dan/pdx May,18.2012-16:03
                    Re: Another STE question Bod/STAX May,18.2012-20:24
                      Re: Another STE question Bod/STAX May,19.2012-16:21

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