Atari coding BBS
Re: DSP extern memory extra cycles |
Posted by: mikro
>Is it only a typo in the doc (I thought that a L:access could only concern INT,INT or EXT,EXT access, as the same address is used for both X: and Y: access).
The fact it's the same number doesn't imply it's also the same address space. For Falcon it's true but nobody prevents you to mount 32 KB internal memory for X and 32 KB external memory for Y.
> So this instruction will execute in move cycles + ea cycles + 2 + 1 ?
Assuming the move instruction itself is in the internal memory, yes.
> 4 (jmp) + 0 (ea) + 2*0 (ap) + 2 (3 external access to memory - 1) ?
I'm not 100% sure about that wait state stuff but I'd say this is closer to reality. I'd compute it as +1 though (instead of +2) because one external access is for "free" = that is the instruction fetch and the second external access is actually the EA fetch, therefore +1.
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