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Atari coding BBS
Re: DSP extern memory extra cycles
Posted by: Patrice Mandin Jan,04.2012-22:57 

As far as I know (but maybe I'm wrong), each external access cost 1 cycle. i.e. for a MAC using X: and Y: external memory, you add 2 cycles (1 for X: 1 for Y:), compared to a MAC using X: and Y: internal memory.

Of course, the same when you have a program (or subroutine) in external memory. Fetching each word of instruction cost 1 cycle to access external P: data. So the same MAC instruction (3 words if I remember correctly) = 3 cycles more.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
DSP extern memory extra cycles Sallafranque Jan,03.2012-19:25
  Re: DSP extern memory extra cycles Patrice Mandin Jan,04.2012-22:57
    Re: DSP extern memory extra cycles mikro Jan,05.2012-08:49
      Re: DSP extern memory extra cycles Sallafranque Jan,06.2012-01:32
        Re: DSP extern memory extra cycles mikro Jan,06.2012-13:52

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