Atari coding BBS
Posted by: Orion_
Hi there,
I tried again VBCC under plain Tos/St using steem before making a full setup on my falcon.
After reading the doc I finally managed to compile something using this command:
vc.ttp +vc.cfg -notmpfile -o test.prg test.c
Now for a simple example like this one:
#include <osbind.h>
int main(void)
Cconws("Hello, Atari!");
return (0);
It's not working, looking at the asm file, it seems to push "long" on the stack and not "word", and looking at the VBCC sources I guess it's because I need the vbccm68kS version of vbcc, unfortunately this version is not present in the mint binary package
does anybody have this version compiled for atari ?
I tried something else using the libvc (or libvcs), and compile a tool written in generic C, that works on windows and on atari using GCC targeted for mint.
The tool is compiling but it's not working as excepted, the argc/argv use seems to crash, and I have strange fread behavior
That's a shame because the vbcc version compile in less than 15kbytes, whereas the gcc version takes more than 100kbytes >_<
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