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Re: Scroll text techniques
Posted by: evil Oct,27.2007-17:50 

Not having tested it, I guess using movep for 8pix speed 4plane scroller should be okish. It would need the font to be scrambled though. It you have a big font (64 width) all dataregs can be used to fetch data and then do 8 movem.l, eg

movem.l (a0)+,d0-d7
movep.l d0,(a1)
movep.l d1,1(a1)
movep.l d2,8(a1)
movep.l d3,9(a1)
movep.l d4,16(a1)
movep.l d5,18(a1)
movep.l d6,24(a1)
movep.l d7,25(a1)

My guess (as I said, not tested) it could be a bit quicker than 64 move.b x(an),x(an). If I've thought all wrong I blame the bad weather!

Anders Eriksson

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Scroll text techniques Vincent Riviere Oct,24.2007-20:03
  Re: Scroll text techniques earx Oct,24.2007-20:09
    Re: Scroll text techniques earx Oct,24.2007-20:27
      Re: Scroll text techniques earx Oct,24.2007-20:31
        Re: Scroll text techniques earx Oct,24.2007-20:32
      Re: Scroll text techniques Vincent Riviere Oct,24.2007-22:33
        Re: Scroll text techniques earx Oct,25.2007-09:49
  Re: Scroll text techniques ggn Oct,25.2007-11:23
    Re: Scroll text techniques Bod/STAX Oct,25.2007-17:55
  Re: Scroll text techniques evil Oct,27.2007-17:50
    Re: Scroll text techniques earx Oct,27.2007-19:01
    Re: Scroll text techniques Bod/STAX Oct,27.2007-19:18
      Re: Scroll text techniques gloky Nov,25.2007-13:22
        Re: Scroll text techniques Bod/STAX Nov,25.2007-21:26
          Re: Scroll text techniques gloky Dec,10.2007-22:15
            Re: Scroll text techniques gloky Jan,04.2008-15:10

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