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Re: Scroll text techniques
Posted by: ggn Oct,25.2007-11:23 

Ok, here's the code (off the top of my head ;) for a fast-ish 8x8 font 1-plane scroller, scrolling by one pixel per vbl:

(Assuming ST low, a0 is the scroller screen address, and see bleow for d0. Also, no screen flipping used :)

lea 8*160(a0),a0
rept 8
lsr.b #1,d0
i set 152
rept 20
roxl.w i(a0)
i set i-8

So is that all? Not enirely! To get this code to work you have to rotate your font by 90 degrees, so each byte must contain one vertical strip (instead of one horizontal). Then you have to load each vertical strip of one character in succession each time the above snippet runs (once per VBL that is). That is, byte 1 in the first vbl, byte 2 in the second etc. Finally, every 8 VBLs you have to fetch the next character in your text array and calculate the font data address.

If anyone wants I can find and post the full code here (this was from memory) :)

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Scroll text techniques Vincent Riviere Oct,24.2007-20:03
  Re: Scroll text techniques earx Oct,24.2007-20:09
    Re: Scroll text techniques earx Oct,24.2007-20:27
      Re: Scroll text techniques earx Oct,24.2007-20:31
        Re: Scroll text techniques earx Oct,24.2007-20:32
      Re: Scroll text techniques Vincent Riviere Oct,24.2007-22:33
        Re: Scroll text techniques earx Oct,25.2007-09:49
  Re: Scroll text techniques ggn Oct,25.2007-11:23
    Re: Scroll text techniques Bod/STAX Oct,25.2007-17:55
  Re: Scroll text techniques evil Oct,27.2007-17:50
    Re: Scroll text techniques earx Oct,27.2007-19:01
    Re: Scroll text techniques Bod/STAX Oct,27.2007-19:18
      Re: Scroll text techniques gloky Nov,25.2007-13:22
        Re: Scroll text techniques Bod/STAX Nov,25.2007-21:26
          Re: Scroll text techniques gloky Dec,10.2007-22:15
            Re: Scroll text techniques gloky Jan,04.2008-15:10

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