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Scroll text techniques
Posted by: Vincent Riviere Oct,24.2007-20:03 

Hello, demomakers !

I'm a newbie in demo programming. I know very well the ST hardware and the TOS, but I don't know the best practices for making efficent demos.

This time, I wonder what is the best way to do a simple horizontal scroll-text. I imagine I must preshift every character, just like sprites, to avoid runtime shifting ?

Then what to do on each VBL ?

Redraw every character at the good screen position (using OR for overlapping characters) ?

Or shift the previous text to left, and draw only the rightmost character ? That might not work well because of the preshifts.

Or maybe some optimization is possible by using multiple offscreen buffers ?

Thank you in advance !

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Scroll text techniques Vincent Riviere Oct,24.2007-20:03
  Re: Scroll text techniques earx Oct,24.2007-20:09
    Re: Scroll text techniques earx Oct,24.2007-20:27
      Re: Scroll text techniques earx Oct,24.2007-20:31
        Re: Scroll text techniques earx Oct,24.2007-20:32
      Re: Scroll text techniques Vincent Riviere Oct,24.2007-22:33
        Re: Scroll text techniques earx Oct,25.2007-09:49
  Re: Scroll text techniques ggn Oct,25.2007-11:23
    Re: Scroll text techniques Bod/STAX Oct,25.2007-17:55
  Re: Scroll text techniques evil Oct,27.2007-17:50
    Re: Scroll text techniques earx Oct,27.2007-19:01
    Re: Scroll text techniques Bod/STAX Oct,27.2007-19:18
      Re: Scroll text techniques gloky Nov,25.2007-13:22
        Re: Scroll text techniques Bod/STAX Nov,25.2007-21:26
          Re: Scroll text techniques gloky Dec,10.2007-22:15
            Re: Scroll text techniques gloky Jan,04.2008-15:10

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