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SV 2K21 Streams
Posted by: AdamK Dec,13.2021-08:04 

Your'e completly right - we'll do whatever we can to prevent it in future editions, and I already have a verification procedure in place, so that would not happen. My true regret is that I did not think about it before :(

I fully understand your anger of a creator when his creation was messed up. Again, I'm trully sorry and hope that SMFX <-> SillyVenture relations are not damaged beyond repair.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
SV 2K21 Compos AAR AdamK Dec,12.2021-09:18
  Re: SV 2K21 Compos AAR spkr Dec,12.2021-13:57
    SV 2K21 Streams AdamK Dec,13.2021-08:04
      Re: SV 2K21 Streams spkr Dec,13.2021-11:50

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