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Xi has passed away :(
Posted by: mikro Mar,01.2022-08:58 

Hi guys,

with an incredibly heavy heart I have to announce that my long time friend, mentor, true Atari fan and amazing person in general passed away on 26.2.2022 after a lost fight with sudden and quick illness. :(

For those who didn't know him so well, I prepared an article for his memory: because he was really a huge figure in our small Atari world.

I was quite devastated when Radek Sterba (Raster) from the Czech Republic, similar key figure there, unexpectedly died a few years ago and I would have never imagined that Xi is going to be next. :(

Rest in piece my friend.

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Xi has passed away :( mikro Mar,01.2022-08:58
  Re: Xi has passed away :( s_t_s Mar,01.2022-21:33
  Re: Xi has passed away :( ROGer Mar,07.2022-10:15

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