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Re: SV 2K21 Compos AAR
Posted by: spkr Dec,12.2021-13:57 

No worries Adam. I appreciate your apology.

I can imagine stuff is busy and stressful, and as such I do not agree that this your responsibility or fault alone. There is no i in team, and you have a team of orgas last time I checked. Or perhaps the fact that are doing this as a single point of success is reason enough to say its not your fault alone :).

The seeming lack of effort to correct the situation when it occurred; like communication or request for help is something that I find the most regretting. This could have been easily done by someone other than you that is or felt responsible. If there would have been an outreach, I could have simply given you a recording that I had, which could have been shown out of compo at the end of the evening.

Again, this is directed to the Sillyventure organization, and by no means to you and your individual actions.

But there are no takebacks, and shit happens.

There is only one thing we can ask for, and that is to find ways to prevent this in the upcoming editions, and actually follow up on them. An apology alone is just not good enough in my opinion and I would love to see the biggest Atari party not fail in this manner in the future.


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Topic Posted by  Date 
SV 2K21 Compos AAR AdamK Dec,12.2021-09:18
  Re: SV 2K21 Compos AAR spkr Dec,12.2021-13:57
    SV 2K21 Streams AdamK Dec,13.2021-08:04
      Re: SV 2K21 Streams spkr Dec,13.2021-11:50

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