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Atari demoscene BBS
New game for the Falcon
Posted by: joska Dec,09.2020-19:36 

I have just released a Falcon030-version of the well known platform game l'Abbaye des Morts ("The Abbey of the Dead").

More information:

Original soundtrack by Skuggemannen/Dry Bone Records. Hook your Falcon up to a decent stereo when playing this game.

Gameplay is slightly extended compared to the original version. You will be given some subtle and some not so subtle hints while playing, so pay attention. If you don't you will not be able to complete this game.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
New game for the Falcon joska Dec,09.2020-19:36
  Re: New game for the Falcon s_t_s Dec,10.2020-09:23
    Re: New game for the Falcon joska Dec,10.2020-12:32
      Re: New game for the Falcon ggn Dec,11.2020-22:36
        Re: New game for the Falcon joska Dec,12.2020-17:23
    Re: New game for the Falcon lotek style/.tSCc.^YMR^De Dec,10.2020-19:33
      Re: New game for the Falcon joska Dec,12.2020-19:21

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