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Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia
Posted by: ggn Jun,03.2012-10:26 

For installation just read evil's first post in this thread - all is there.

As for a floppy based install... I suppose I'd prepare a floppy that contains the epss .acc and soundbanks, and a second one that contains cubase + midi files. When the epss disk finishes booting and loading the sound patch, insert the disk with cubase and load it up. I'm not sure what exactly is needed from the 3 disks cubase 3 is on, but I suspect not much apart from the program and a couple of folders are needed.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-09:38
  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia CiH May,16.2012-09:39
  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ May,16.2012-09:39
    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-09:40
      Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ May,16.2012-09:41
        Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-09:42
          Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia Damog May,16.2012-09:43
            Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia mog May,16.2012-09:44
              Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-09:45
                Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn May,16.2012-09:49
                  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-09:55
                    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn May,16.2012-09:56
                      Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-10:00
                        Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn May,17.2012-07:30
                          Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,17.2012-20:50
                            Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn May,17.2012-22:51
            Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-09:46
              Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia damo May,16.2012-09:47
                Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-09:54
                  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia PeP May,17.2012-11:41
                    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia gwEm May,17.2012-16:35
                    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia gwEm May,17.2012-17:14
                      Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia damog May,17.2012-17:49
                        Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn May,17.2012-19:38
                      Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia PeP May,18.2012-09:26
                        Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn May,19.2012-15:38
                          Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ May,19.2012-18:37
                          Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia damog May,20.2012-10:51
  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia saulot May,16.2012-09:48
    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-09:50
      Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ May,16.2012-09:51
        Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia saulot May,16.2012-09:52
          Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ May,16.2012-09:52
  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia gwEm May,16.2012-09:53
  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia sqward May,17.2012-00:22
    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn May,17.2012-07:32
      Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia mog May,17.2012-10:29
    MROS SDK Was: E.P.S.S. Nostalg Cyprian Aug,08.2015-10:56
  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil Jun,02.2012-10:56
    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ Jun,02.2012-20:41
      Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia krupkaj Jun,05.2012-09:18
Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia krupkaj May,16.2012-09:43
  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-10:03
    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ Jun,02.2012-21:13
    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ Jun,02.2012-21:14
      Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn Jun,03.2012-10:26
        Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ Jun,03.2012-13:21
        Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia krupkaj Jun,06.2012-21:03
          Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ Jun,06.2012-22:21
          Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn Jun,06.2012-23:46

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