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Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia
Posted by: ggn May,17.2012-07:30 

Hmm, but that wouldn't stop people from feeding random pics to aalib and then pasting them here, right? Ohnoes!

Anyway, I tried my de-personalized copy of EPSS on my TT and a lot of strange things happened. When I tried loading a sample bank, the background color started flashing black/white every vbl (seizure inducing!), and instead of music playing, the sound output would vary from no output to some high pitched squeaks! And that's without even loading Cubase, just trying the .acc! Loading Cubase of course didn't make things any better. I can understand the whole "no sound" as this would imply a configuration error on my part, but the border flashing was really bizarre!

I guess I'll give it a go on my MSTE and Falcon, see if things work there.

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E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-09:38
  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia CiH May,16.2012-09:39
  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ May,16.2012-09:39
    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-09:40
      Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ May,16.2012-09:41
        Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-09:42
          Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia Damog May,16.2012-09:43
            Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia mog May,16.2012-09:44
              Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-09:45
                Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn May,16.2012-09:49
                  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-09:55
                    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn May,16.2012-09:56
                      Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-10:00
                        Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn May,17.2012-07:30
                          Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,17.2012-20:50
                            Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn May,17.2012-22:51
            Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-09:46
              Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia damo May,16.2012-09:47
                Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-09:54
                  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia PeP May,17.2012-11:41
                    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia gwEm May,17.2012-16:35
                    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia gwEm May,17.2012-17:14
                      Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia damog May,17.2012-17:49
                        Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn May,17.2012-19:38
                      Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia PeP May,18.2012-09:26
                        Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn May,19.2012-15:38
                          Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ May,19.2012-18:37
                          Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia damog May,20.2012-10:51
  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia saulot May,16.2012-09:48
    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-09:50
      Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ May,16.2012-09:51
        Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia saulot May,16.2012-09:52
          Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ May,16.2012-09:52
  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia gwEm May,16.2012-09:53
  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia sqward May,17.2012-00:22
    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn May,17.2012-07:32
      Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia mog May,17.2012-10:29
    MROS SDK Was: E.P.S.S. Nostalg Cyprian Aug,08.2015-10:56
  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil Jun,02.2012-10:56
    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ Jun,02.2012-20:41
      Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia krupkaj Jun,05.2012-09:18
Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia krupkaj May,16.2012-09:43
  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-10:03
    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ Jun,02.2012-21:13
    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ Jun,02.2012-21:14
      Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn Jun,03.2012-10:26
        Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ Jun,03.2012-13:21
        Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia krupkaj Jun,06.2012-21:03
          Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ Jun,06.2012-22:21
          Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn Jun,06.2012-23:46

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