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Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia
Posted by: ggn May,19.2012-15:38 

Right, I just disassembled 3 drivers to see if there are any common init bits etc. The files are:


Note that I just got those from the stock 3.01 disks and I dunno what they do (not to mention that I've never tinkered with Cubase as I never had any midi instruments!). So far it doesn't look too hideous; each of the drivers is Pexec(0)ed, they calculate the memory they'll need, store it on the first long after the (c) ascii message and then they do a ptermres(). I'll follow the code a bit, see what I can dig up further.

Should I look at any others? Shouldn't I look at those I picked randomly? I couldn't find the suggestions by mog or pep. Would anyone care to point me or send them to me?

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E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-09:38
  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia CiH May,16.2012-09:39
  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ May,16.2012-09:39
    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-09:40
      Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ May,16.2012-09:41
        Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-09:42
          Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia Damog May,16.2012-09:43
            Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia mog May,16.2012-09:44
              Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-09:45
                Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn May,16.2012-09:49
                  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-09:55
                    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn May,16.2012-09:56
                      Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-10:00
                        Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn May,17.2012-07:30
                          Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,17.2012-20:50
                            Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn May,17.2012-22:51
            Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-09:46
              Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia damo May,16.2012-09:47
                Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-09:54
                  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia PeP May,17.2012-11:41
                    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia gwEm May,17.2012-16:35
                    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia gwEm May,17.2012-17:14
                      Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia damog May,17.2012-17:49
                        Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn May,17.2012-19:38
                      Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia PeP May,18.2012-09:26
                        Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn May,19.2012-15:38
                          Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ May,19.2012-18:37
                          Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia damog May,20.2012-10:51
  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia saulot May,16.2012-09:48
    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-09:50
      Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ May,16.2012-09:51
        Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia saulot May,16.2012-09:52
          Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ May,16.2012-09:52
  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia gwEm May,16.2012-09:53
  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia sqward May,17.2012-00:22
    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn May,17.2012-07:32
      Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia mog May,17.2012-10:29
    MROS SDK Was: E.P.S.S. Nostalg Cyprian Aug,08.2015-10:56
  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil Jun,02.2012-10:56
    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ Jun,02.2012-20:41
      Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia krupkaj Jun,05.2012-09:18
Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia krupkaj May,16.2012-09:43
  Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia evil May,16.2012-10:03
    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ Jun,02.2012-21:13
    Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ Jun,02.2012-21:14
      Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn Jun,03.2012-10:26
        Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ Jun,03.2012-13:21
        Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia krupkaj Jun,06.2012-21:03
          Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia nativ Jun,06.2012-22:21
          Re: E.P.S.S. Nostalgia ggn Jun,06.2012-23:46

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