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CT60 and related things BBS
Re: Here's one fer ya...
Posted by: quackmore Sep,26.2007-18:16 

I have 25mhz bus (50mhz clock) on my CT60. The highest resolution in 4-bit I can to (and 8-bit too) on my CT60 is 1104x816 without flicker, nice picture. If I go to 1280x960 (960 for a square pixel), then no matter what I do, there is too much flicker. However... on my BlowUp FX, I can achieve 1280x960 with no flicker NO PROBLEM!

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Here's one fer ya... quackmore Sep,25.2007-19:53
  Re: Here's one fer ya... evil Sep,25.2007-22:15
    Re: Here's one fer ya... quackmore Sep,26.2007-02:18
    Re: Here's one fer ya... quackmore Sep,26.2007-16:59
      Re: Here's one fer ya... evil Sep,26.2007-17:24
        Re: Here's one fer ya... quackmore Sep,26.2007-17:28
          Re: Here's one fer ya... quackmore Sep,26.2007-17:33
            Re: Here's one fer ya... evil Sep,26.2007-17:59
              Re: Here's one fer ya... quackmore Sep,26.2007-18:16
              Re: Here's one fer ya... quackmore Sep,26.2007-19:15
              Re: Here's one fer ya... evil Sep,26.2007-19:17
                Re: Here's one fer ya... Falcon060 Sep,26.2007-20:12
                  Re: Here's one fer ya... Coda Sep,26.2007-21:24
                Re: Here's one fer ya... quackmore Sep,26.2007-23:24
        Re: Here's one fer ya... Peter Sep,27.2007-16:10

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