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Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit
Posted by: neurotics Mar,06.2007-22:13 

So you mean even though you booted in 030 mode your computer froze? What a shame. ;-(

BTW, I just tested it with XControl (patched). When I try to access ct60conf.cpx a message box: "CT60 not found!" appeared but after that I could get access to the configuration window.

But to tell some good news as well: Today we bent the booster pins on a friend's ct60 and that is enough that there are no short circuits between ct60 and etherNAT WITHOUT soldering the oscillator (even though there is just half of a millimeter space between it).


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Topic Posted by  Date 
EtherNAT doesn't fit neurotics Mar,03.2007-21:04
  Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit neurotics Mar,04.2007-02:00
    Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit evil Mar,04.2007-10:03
      Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit neurotics Mar,04.2007-13:30
        Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit evil Mar,04.2007-15:17
          Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit evil Mar,04.2007-15:44
            Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit Swe Mar,05.2007-18:13
              Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit Strider Mar,06.2007-21:30
                Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit neurotics Mar,07.2007-18:33
                  Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit Strider Mar,08.2007-00:00
                    Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit neurotics Mar,08.2007-17:46
          Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit neurotics Mar,04.2007-18:51
            Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit neurotics Mar,04.2007-19:52
              Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit neurotics Mar,04.2007-20:43
                Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit deez Mar,05.2007-00:10
                  Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit neurotics Mar,05.2007-12:34
                    Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit Strider Mar,06.2007-21:37
                      EtherNEC speed neurotics Mar,07.2007-17:44
      Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit neurotics Mar,04.2007-15:15
    Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit Peter Mar,05.2007-10:42
      Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit neurotics Mar,05.2007-12:23
        Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit cruzito Mar,05.2007-19:55
          Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit neurotics Mar,06.2007-13:43
            Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit Uli Mar,06.2007-14:22
              Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit cruzito Mar,06.2007-15:15
                Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit neurotics Mar,06.2007-15:53
                  Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit Uli Mar,06.2007-16:45
                    Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit neurotics Mar,06.2007-22:13
                      Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit cruzito Mar,07.2007-03:00
            Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit samf Mar,07.2007-15:20
              Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit neurotics Mar,07.2007-17:39
                Re: EtherNAT doesn't fit Uli Mar,08.2007-11:08
                  Re: CT60 > 100Mhz doesn't boot neurotics Mar,08.2007-12:13
                    Re: CT60 > 100Mhz doesn't boot Uli Mar,08.2007-13:08
                      Re: CT60 > 100Mhz doesn't boot neurotics Mar,08.2007-17:43
                        Re: CT60 > 100Mhz doesn't boot Uli Mar,09.2007-16:56
                          Re: CT60 > 100Mhz doesn't boot neurotics Mar,09.2007-22:46
                            Re: CT60 > 100Mhz doesn't boot Uli Mar,09.2007-23:44

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