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Re: CTPCI progress (in a way)
Posted by: neurotics Aug,23.2006-11:23 

Well, you shouldn't think about getting a real faster ATARI with a coldfire processor. I would vote for CTPCI instead. When you take a look at the AMIGA market you can see that although there are coldfire boards since aeons the fastest machines that can run nearly every application are those that have twin boards installed (68060 AND coldfire/ppc).

I own an afterburner and graphics card and apart from the fact that sometimes raw cpu power is too slow most of the times my ATARI is fast enough especially in every day tasks.

I even do not use my ct60 because of the fact that there still isn't any decent resolution available.


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Topic Posted by  Date 
CTPCI progress (in a way) neurotics Aug,18.2006-14:07
  Re: CTPCI progress (in a way) earx Aug,18.2006-14:16
  Re: CTPCI progress (in a way) CiH Aug,18.2006-17:55
    Re: CTPCI progress (in a way) neurotics Aug,19.2006-23:11
  Re: CTPCI progress (in a way) MacFalcon Aug,21.2006-07:54
    Re: CTPCI progress (in a way) earx Aug,21.2006-11:34
      Re: CTPCI progress (in a way) gwEm Aug,21.2006-16:31
        Re: CTPCI progress (in a way) earx Aug,21.2006-16:42
          Re: CTPCI progress (in a way) gwEm Aug,21.2006-16:57
            Buying a ColdFire SBC Kochise Aug,24.2006-16:46
      Re: CTPCI progress (in a way) neurotics Aug,23.2006-11:23
        Re: CTPCI progress (in a way) Peter Aug,23.2006-14:05
          Re: CTPCI progress (in a way) MacFalcon Aug,24.2006-20:06

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