CT60 and related things BBS
Re: Increasing Rev.6 Stability |
Posted by: Coda
Crash, (your name is very 'choice'! :-))
Do you have a CL2 or CL3 module?
Bad CRC's, SDRAM read failures etc etc point to bad SDRAM, or RAM that is being used outside of its specification.
BTW, When you see the word "Valueram" you should read this as "ShittyRAM". Not all Valueram is equal, some is good and some is bad, but the reason why it is cheap is because it doesnt undergo thorough testing, and some of it on the market already failed some tests. Generally this stuff is not worth buying, and you can read many forums on the net full of PC users frustrating comments because this stuff doesnt work in their 'insert name here' motherboard. This said, I think there are a few CT60 users happily running this RAM with no issues, this RAM is even mentioned on this site as being OK.
Oh, I have also had issues with RAM, I have tested a 128mb CL3 stick at 95mhz OK, but I have a branded 256mb CL2 stick that won't work properly even at 66mhz!
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