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Re: Ethernat USB?
Posted by: Coda Mar,06.2006-23:17 

Mikro, you don't give me much credit. I never expected 'thousands', I knew that it would be only a couple of hundred, three maybe. The CTLink would have doubled this probably. In fact my job is easier now because I only have to develop for one known platform rather than 3, but maybe you don't understand the disappointment I felt when I got an email from Rodolphe without any warning saying the project that we worked hard on will never materialise. If you add that to the fact that I have had so many difficulties in my personal life, which have ended up with my wife and I moving to a new country, with completely different language and customs etc maybe you can see that it's not the easiest thing for me to do at the moment.

HOWEVER, I have my Falcon set up now, and I am continuing development, though it will take me a couple of weeks to get into the full swing of things, and I still have so many things to do at home and work...

Oh, BTW, never ever compare me to Didier. I am just one man, he can code for 10 :-)

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Ethernat USB? JoeAtari Mar,06.2006-04:27
  Re: Ethernat USB? Coda Mar,06.2006-16:21
    Re: Ethernat USB? gwEm Mar,06.2006-20:09
      Re: Ethernat USB? mikro Mar,06.2006-21:10
        Re: Ethernat USB? CiH Mar,06.2006-21:56
        Re: Ethernat USB? Coda Mar,06.2006-23:17
          Re: Ethernat USB? mikro Mar,07.2006-10:57
            Re: Ethernat USB? vlg Mar,07.2006-15:48
              Re: Ethernat USB? JoeAtari Mar,08.2006-02:07
                Re: Ethernat USB? CiH Mar,08.2006-02:22
                  Re: Ethernat USB? Coda Mar,08.2006-12:39
                    Re: Ethernat USB? vlg Mar,08.2006-13:59
                      Re: Ethernat USB? JoeAtari Mar,08.2006-16:42
        off topic-ish rant gwEm Mar,07.2006-15:30
          Re: off topic-ish rant mikro Mar,07.2006-15:43

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