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Re: Well: How fast?
Posted by: cruzito Jul,23.2005-00:56 

90 MHz is still limit for me,
infineon chips are definitely not welcome at 100 MHz...:)
However, i managed to come to 100 MHz with sdr4g firmware loaded (???) Machine works for about 5 minutes but it is nice to use it at 100 MHz...:D
sdram has to be brand name, singlesided 4 to 8 chips and cl2...alhough I managed to use cl3 chips...
rev. 6 sits in original case and is much more tolerant to heat...doesnßt go above 35 C...

it would be really interesting to find out hw many guys of those whou bought 060 rcently managed to get to 100 MHz, what are their sdram modules and sdr/abe combinations...

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Well: How fast? JoeAtari Jun,28.2005-07:57
  Re: Well: How fast? cruzito Jun,28.2005-11:16
    Re: Well: How fast? neo-rg Jun,29.2005-14:44
      Re: Well: How fast? Crash Jun,29.2005-15:15
        Re: Well: How fast? earx Jun,29.2005-15:40
          Re: Well: How fast? Peter Jun,29.2005-17:34
        Re: Well: How fast? Coda Jun,29.2005-17:25
          Re: Well: How fast? JoeAtari Jun,29.2005-17:55
            Re: Well: How fast? GokMasE Jun,29.2005-20:08
              Re: Well: How fast? cruzito Jun,29.2005-21:15
                Re: Well: How fast? neo-rg Jun,30.2005-12:56
            Re: Well: How fast? Coda Jun,29.2005-21:26
              Re: Well: How fast? cruzito Jun,30.2005-11:55
                Re: Well: How fast? Coda Jul,01.2005-16:14
                  Re: Well: How fast? Didier Méquignon Jul,01.2005-18:22
                    Re: Well: How fast? Coda Jul,01.2005-22:42
                    Re: Well: How fast? redspecter Jul,02.2005-04:46
                    Re: Well: How fast? Galen Jul,09.2005-00:58
                      Re: Well: How fast? cruzito Jul,23.2005-00:56

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