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Re: Well: How fast?
Posted by: JoeAtari Jun,29.2005-17:55 

With the temperature down to 37 my Falcon is still unstable (I get millions of characters on the Mint boot screen and other problems) at or above 80MHz. I'm starting to think it may be the SDRAM or the CPU itself. Can someone share a particular memory module that is working for them at 100MHz or above? I have a PC100 CL2 128MB module now. I'm glad to be able to run a little faster than 66MHz, but it sure would be nice to get to 100MHz!

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Well: How fast? JoeAtari Jun,28.2005-07:57
  Re: Well: How fast? cruzito Jun,28.2005-11:16
    Re: Well: How fast? neo-rg Jun,29.2005-14:44
      Re: Well: How fast? Crash Jun,29.2005-15:15
        Re: Well: How fast? earx Jun,29.2005-15:40
          Re: Well: How fast? Peter Jun,29.2005-17:34
        Re: Well: How fast? Coda Jun,29.2005-17:25
          Re: Well: How fast? JoeAtari Jun,29.2005-17:55
            Re: Well: How fast? GokMasE Jun,29.2005-20:08
              Re: Well: How fast? cruzito Jun,29.2005-21:15
                Re: Well: How fast? neo-rg Jun,30.2005-12:56
            Re: Well: How fast? Coda Jun,29.2005-21:26
              Re: Well: How fast? cruzito Jun,30.2005-11:55
                Re: Well: How fast? Coda Jul,01.2005-16:14
                  Re: Well: How fast? Didier Méquignon Jul,01.2005-18:22
                    Re: Well: How fast? Coda Jul,01.2005-22:42
                    Re: Well: How fast? redspecter Jul,02.2005-04:46
                    Re: Well: How fast? Galen Jul,09.2005-00:58
                      Re: Well: How fast? cruzito Jul,23.2005-00:56

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