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Re: HDDriver8.1
Posted by: hunter44102 Oct,20.2004-22:01 

Here is somthing that I try when HDDRIVER doesn't like a drive. If this doesn't work, then like LFABRIE said, try another drive.

I put the drive in a PC as a second Hard drive (through IDE or USB adapter), then using Windows 2000/XP:

1) Right click on my computer, then click MANAGER
2) expand the STORAGE Icon, then click on DISK MANAGEMENT

you should see a list of drives. Find the one that you just plugged in. It should be past DISK0 and Your CD Rom.

3) Remove each and every partition by clicking on them, then right-clicking and clicking Delete partition. Keep doing it until you have all "Un-partitioned space".

The drive should be "partition-less" and HDDRIVER should not complain about it anymore.

I think this is the easiest method especially if you have an easy IDE to USB2.0 adapter

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Topic Posted by  Date 
HDDriver8.1 SamF Oct,20.2004-14:24
  Re: HDDriver8.1 LAFABRIE Florent Oct,20.2004-19:58
    Re: HDDriver8.1 SamF Oct,20.2004-20:16
  Re: HDDriver8.1 evil Oct,20.2004-20:14
    Re: HDDriver8.1 hunter44102 Oct,20.2004-22:01
      Re: HDDriver8.1 SamF Oct,22.2004-15:52
        Re: HDDriver8.1 samf Oct,30.2004-18:27

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