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Re: Atari VNC Server
Posted by: Latz Aug,27.2012-11:06 

I couldnt wait and tested AVNCserver with an EasyMiNT installation (1-16-3) on my Falcon/CT60/CTPCI
with EtherNEC: ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE!! Works great - full access from my Ubuntu-Linux-PC, although
network-speed of EtherNEC (50kBit/sec) is a litlle bit slow. For fun, i started QED (in PC-VNC box)
and wrote this text, copied it to clipboard, started HighWire and pasted & sent it here :-)

Thank you very much, Didier!!


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Topic Posted by  Date 
Atari VNC Server Didier Mequignon Aug,19.2012-15:48
  Re: Atari VNC Server Latz Aug,23.2012-19:46
    Re: Atari VNC Server Orion_ Aug,24.2012-13:28
      Re: Atari VNC Server Latz Aug,27.2012-11:06
        Re: Atari VNC Server Didier Mequignon Aug,27.2012-21:37

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