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Re: Atari VNC Server
Posted by: Orion_ Aug,24.2012-13:28 

Wow ! great job !
I was wondering if someone could make this one day.

I'm sure this can be a great opportunity to let a firebee or a ctpci usable over the internet by user so they can test the hardware without having one :)
I will try to make something like that as soon as I get my firebee back :)

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Atari VNC Server Didier Mequignon Aug,19.2012-15:48
  Re: Atari VNC Server Latz Aug,23.2012-19:46
    Re: Atari VNC Server Orion_ Aug,24.2012-13:28
      Re: Atari VNC Server Latz Aug,27.2012-11:06
        Re: Atari VNC Server Didier Mequignon Aug,27.2012-21:37

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