CT60 and related things BBS
CTPCI not identified |
Posted by: Tobias
I've a big problem with the ctpci and maybe someone here can help me to solve this issue. The CTPCI is not identified anymore. I've seen it only two or three times after it was installed during several boot attempts. The system was very unstable and trashed the programming of the PIC of the Eiffel interface so that I had to reprogramm the PIC. ABE/SDR on the CT60 are up to date and also the TOS + drivers. I've also programmed the CTPCI again with the CTPCI_1F version with the flash programm, but no difference.
Please see some screenshots of boot ctpci und exceptions I get sometimes during the boot process.
Should I send the CTPCI back to Rodolphe to check and repair it?
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