CT60 and related things BBS
Re: CTPCI: screen saver |
Posted by: Rajah
I doubt my RageCalm utility works on CTPCI and Radeon, but you should study its sources at http://ptonthat.perso.neuf.fr/files/ragecalm.zip (source code provided in LST format, my GFA code is readable, though uncommented).
This utility switchs off the ATI RageIIc video signal after a delay of mouse/keyboard inactivity. The RageIIc is used on PCI crappy adaptor for Falcon named 'Eclipse'.
http://ptonthat.perso.neuf.fr/blog/images/atari/snapshots/fvdifiles_snap.png <- window 'Rage Screen Saver' as ACCessory.
PCI xbios calls may be the same. The register to switch on/off may be the same for Radeon and RageIIc (you should read the tech manuals).
I don't think the Videl can be swicthed off, it can only be configured into a slower resolution, which speeds up the memory access.
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