CT60 and related things BBS
Re: CTCM unstable? |
Posted by: Didier Méquignon
What is the 060, a rev 6 ?
CTCM is a low cost generator working range 60-120 MHz with bad precision (temperature, frequency offset, etc..).
Personnaly I use another solution (PLL), look my site.
It's a _fault_ to try to get working before 60 MHz (like 50 MHz ;-) ) so the choice was a jumper for get working range of 30-60 MHz.
Because the generator is not stable, the autodetection of jumper selection is removed after latest official boot.
You can see difference during boot (selection and measure).
If the CPU isn't a rev 6, and you're at the limits, it's possible that the CTCM is a source of problem.
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