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68000 Exception error
Posted by: Dwayne Jul,29.2009-17:29 

I have been having issues with my Falcon and CT63 but I have had the CT sent back and its come back good, and I still have issues. This means that it must be the Falcon.

One such error that is a pain is that when I RIGHT-CLICK o na web page in CAB, I get a 68000 EXCEPTION ERROR

Can anyone tell me why this is?

Also, when it boots up, it hangs most of the time at completely random times before its even started on the AUTO programs. Once these have started to load, it always finishes them as it should.

Could these 2 issues be linked?

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Topic Posted by  Date 
68000 Exception error Dwayne Jul,29.2009-17:29
  Re: 68000 Exception error FatRakoon Dibley Jul,29.2009-20:38
    Re: 68000 Exception error PeP Jul,30.2009-15:14
      Re: 68000 Exception error FatRakoon Jul,31.2009-00:57
      Whats ERROR 65 ? FatRakoon Aug,15.2009-17:05
  Re: 68000 Exception error ggn Jul,30.2009-08:33
    Re: 68000 Exception error mikro Jul,30.2009-09:37
      Re: 68000 Exception error FatRakoon Jul,31.2009-01:01
  UPDATE FatRakoon Jul,31.2009-16:43
    Re: UPDATE PeP Jul,31.2009-18:49
      Re: UPDATE FatRakoon Aug,01.2009-18:30
        Re: UPDATE PeP Aug,02.2009-12:42
          Re: UPDATE FatRakoon Aug,02.2009-14:11
            Re: UPDATE PeP Aug,02.2009-16:20
              Re: UPDATE FatRakoon Aug,03.2009-03:07

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