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Re: Falcon: Double buffering using
Posted by: evil May,21.2020-13:15 

That sounds logical and explains why the current set screen on VBL is the active one.

And it also explains why it works well to set early on VBL. In case there is a big interrupt coming, like a Timer-A modplayer or SNDH player, there are enough lines from VBL to visible lines for these players to finish.

Anders Eriksson

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Falcon: Double buffering using joska May,20.2020-13:09
  Re: Falcon: Double buffering using joska May,20.2020-13:09
  Re: Falcon: Double buffering using evil May,20.2020-14:25
    Re: Falcon: Double buffering using joska May,20.2020-14:47
      Re: Falcon: Double buffering using evil May,20.2020-15:50
        Re: Falcon: Double buffering using tat May,20.2020-18:02
          Re: Falcon: Double buffering using evil May,21.2020-13:15
    Re: Falcon: Double buffering using joska May,24.2020-16:34
      Re: Falcon: Double buffering using mikro May,25.2020-08:33
        Re: Falcon: Double buffering using joska May,26.2020-10:30
        Re: Falcon: Double buffering using joska May,26.2020-21:28

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