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Re: DSP memorymap problem
Posted by: Emphii Jul,05.2018-14:22 

Daniel, I've checked the site and tried "sfg" it, but had no luck. I have a thin memory picture, that I've seen someone else asking it as well @ atari-forum.

If you could scan it, it would be great - If you need to destroy it for that, it's not so great. :)

What I'm mostly wanting to check from there would be, opt's, their meaning and what's available (I can see 'opt cc' many times in Motorola manual) and those directives and how to use them - they seems not be same as in Devpac 3.1. Also local labeling is interesting, available or not.

I'm so happy that you all gurus are helping me with this, so no need to run against the wall all the time.

Emphii / Extream.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
DSP memorymap problem Emphii Jun,26.2018-21:56
  Re: DSP memorymap problem Emphii Jun,26.2018-21:58
    Re: DSP memorymap problem mikro Jun,27.2018-10:24
      Re: DSP memorymap problem Emphii Jun,27.2018-11:25
  Re: DSP memorymap problem tat Jun,27.2018-12:25
  Re: DSP memorymap problem ggn Jun,27.2018-14:31
  Re: DSP memorymap problem insane/tscc Jun,27.2018-15:16
    Re: DSP memorymap problem Emphii Jun,27.2018-23:27
      Re: DSP memorymap problem tat Jun,29.2018-15:35
        Re: DSP memorymap problem Emphii Jul,03.2018-20:14
          Re: DSP memorymap problem Daniel / New Beat Jul,05.2018-00:07
            Re: DSP memorymap problem Emphii Jul,05.2018-14:22
              Re: DSP memorymap problem mikro Jul,06.2018-08:15
          Re: DSP memorymap problem mikro Jul,06.2018-08:17
            Re: DSP memorymap problem Emphii Jul,12.2018-23:09
              Re: DSP memorymap problem Thadoss/Dune Sep,30.2023-09:54
                Re: DSP memorymap problem ggn Oct,10.2023-16:19
                  Re: DSP memorymap problem Thadoss/Dune Oct,10.2023-23:34
                  Re: DSP memorymap problem Thadoss/Dune Oct,10.2023-23:55
                    Re: DSP memorymap problem Thadoss/Dune Oct,11.2023-00:21

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