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Re: DSP memorymap problem
Posted by: Emphii Jun,27.2018-23:27 

What a lovely answers, thanks pals.

So, first to ggn:
Yes, I tried to put both tables to y-memory space, because I didn't seem to have problems with it (which looks like it was fake). Then there were only one org, ofcourse. :)

Then tat & insane:
ok, I got the point from here - It's still quite hard to see it that way, if I only read the DSP56000/DSP56001 User's Manual. Probably I didn't read it deeply enough.

For what I understood there is more or less continuous, interleaved memory from $200 up to $ffbf BUT they speak about external memory, which might be restriction in my understanding in english.. :D

And from that I counted, that if I have 65536 dsp-words - programdata - $40 words and - On-chip peripherals, I still should have enough memory.

So I'll take this all, chew it and rewrite the table parts :)

Emphii / Extream.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
DSP memorymap problem Emphii Jun,26.2018-21:56
  Re: DSP memorymap problem Emphii Jun,26.2018-21:58
    Re: DSP memorymap problem mikro Jun,27.2018-10:24
      Re: DSP memorymap problem Emphii Jun,27.2018-11:25
  Re: DSP memorymap problem tat Jun,27.2018-12:25
  Re: DSP memorymap problem ggn Jun,27.2018-14:31
  Re: DSP memorymap problem insane/tscc Jun,27.2018-15:16
    Re: DSP memorymap problem Emphii Jun,27.2018-23:27
      Re: DSP memorymap problem tat Jun,29.2018-15:35
        Re: DSP memorymap problem Emphii Jul,03.2018-20:14
          Re: DSP memorymap problem Daniel / New Beat Jul,05.2018-00:07
            Re: DSP memorymap problem Emphii Jul,05.2018-14:22
              Re: DSP memorymap problem mikro Jul,06.2018-08:15
          Re: DSP memorymap problem mikro Jul,06.2018-08:17
            Re: DSP memorymap problem Emphii Jul,12.2018-23:09
              Re: DSP memorymap problem Thadoss/Dune Sep,30.2023-09:54
                Re: DSP memorymap problem ggn Oct,10.2023-16:19
                  Re: DSP memorymap problem Thadoss/Dune Oct,10.2023-23:34
                  Re: DSP memorymap problem Thadoss/Dune Oct,10.2023-23:55
                    Re: DSP memorymap problem Thadoss/Dune Oct,11.2023-00:21

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