Atari coding BBS
Re: STE 16 pixel trick error |
Posted by: ggn
Paranoid's good old STE FAQ (http://atari-ste.anvil-soft.com/html/devdocu2.htm) has a paragraph about this:
? It scrolls, but the screen-content seems to jump sometimes.
! The Atari STE shifter has a slight timing problem regarding the Pixel Skip Register. Whenever this registers "jumps" from a value >"0" to "0", the STE might display the wrong screen address. This is a known problem and Atari affirms it. Atari officially suggests to NOT set the Pixel Skip register in the VBL as this causes the problem. Since changes on this register have immediate effect, Atari suggests to use a HBL routine that sets all registers connected to Video hardware not in the VBL but in (for example) a HBL interrupt after the VBL.
Hope this helps - if it does, thank Paranoid ;)
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