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Re: Devpac Developer's ORG command
Posted by: ggn Dec,20.2012-11:48 

My only source here is the Devpac 3 manual, which I quote:

"ORG <expression>

This will make the assembler generate position-dependent code and set the program counter to the given value. Normal GEMDOS programs do not need an ORG statement even if position-dependent. It is included to allow code to be generated for the ROM port or for other 68000 machines. More than one ORG statement is allowed in a source file but no padding of the file is done.

ORG should be used with great care as the binary file generated will probably not execute correctly when double-clicked, as no relocation information is written out. The binary file s the standard GEMDOS header at the front, but no relocation information.

/!\ This directive is very unlikely to make sense when assembling to memory."

So, what Devpac does is make a binary that runs at the specific address, but without any headers whatsoever. TOS doesn't have a provision to handle binaries assembled in an absolute address, so it's up to the programmer to provide a way to load and run the binary at the specified address. Traditionally either a fopen/fread/fclose/jump proggie or directly reading tracks using xbios 8 and jumping if it's a boot disk.

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Devpac Developer's ORG command Bod/STAX Dec,19.2012-22:31
  Re: Devpac Developer's ORG command ggn Dec,20.2012-11:48
    Re: Devpac Developer's ORG command gwEm Dec,20.2012-14:06

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