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Devpac Developer's ORG command
Posted by: Bod/STAX Dec,19.2012-22:31 

I've never owned a copy of the DevPac manual and I'm a bit lazy so I thought I'd just post this question here.

The ORG command is AFAIK used to make all the addresses in a piece of code set to run the code from a specific memory location I.E. $10000 however I've never managed to get it to work properly - I've always had to load a piece of code to a memory location and relocate it from that address.

My question is should I take into account the program header into account when loading to a specific address. I.E. if I want to load a piece of code to $10000 then I should actually load it it $100000-program_header_size?

Thanks in advance.

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Devpac Developer's ORG command Bod/STAX Dec,19.2012-22:31
  Re: Devpac Developer's ORG command ggn Dec,20.2012-11:48
    Re: Devpac Developer's ORG command gwEm Dec,20.2012-14:06

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