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Atari coding BBS
Re: Blitter Bobs STe
Posted by: ggn Jul,05.2012-08:37 

move.w #color0,$ff8240.w
move.w #timer_b1,$122.w

move.w #color1,$ff8240.w
move.w #timer_b2,$122.w

I just had another look at the code and I can only think that this will work with a code generator. If you enter this code into an assembler, it will complain that 'timer_b1', 'timer_b2' etc is a long address and can't fit to word. I also tried move.w #timer_b1&ffff,$122.w but this just generated code that had the label's address at assembly time (at least in Turbo Assembler), so again it's useless. With a code generator you can bypass all these problems and just write down the addresses by yourself :).

Also another small point: you actually need to point to #timer_b1+2, #timer_b2+2 etc for this to work on any other 64 page than the first, otherwise you'd be just writing the high word of the address over and over :).

(yes I know that all the above are pretty much apparent, but I'm just writing this to keep me awake! Really nice cycle crunching, Defjam :)).

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Blitter Bobs STe Pete Jun,26.2012-06:51
  Re: Blitter Bobs STe ggn Jun,26.2012-13:00
    Re: Blitter Bobs STe ggn Jun,26.2012-13:52
    Re: Blitter Bobs STe Pete Jun,26.2012-14:02
    Re: Blitter Bobs STe Simon Sunnyboy / Paradize Jun,26.2012-17:21
      Re: Blitter Bobs STe Bod/STAX Jun,26.2012-19:57
        Re: Blitter Bobs STe Bod/STAX Jun,26.2012-19:59
          Re: Blitter Bobs STe Pete Jun,27.2012-03:25
            Re: Blitter Bobs STe RA/pdx Jun,27.2012-13:34
              Re: Blitter Bobs STe Defjam Jun,27.2012-21:24
                Re: Blitter Bobs STe evil Jun,28.2012-00:12
                  Re: Blitter Bobs STe RA/pdx Jun,28.2012-08:36
                    Re: Blitter Bobs STe evil Jun,28.2012-10:11
                      Re: Blitter Bobs STe RA/pdx Jun,28.2012-10:18
                        Re: Blitter Bobs STe Pete Jun,28.2012-13:25
                Re: Blitter Bobs STe ggn Jul,05.2012-08:37
                  Re: Blitter Bobs STe Grazey Jul,05.2012-08:45
                    Re: Blitter Bobs STe gwEm Jul,06.2012-11:13

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