Atari coding BBS
Re: Built in obsolescence DSP help |
Posted by: Laurent Sallafranque
I thought from the doc that only a JSR could generate a long interrupt.
Does it mean that in both case, (JSR or JMP) it generates a LONG interupt, but only a JSR saves the SR state, increase IPL, save the PC, ... ?
In the case of this demo, if there's no RTI, the stack can't be restored, and the IPL mask is too high and will mask the next $1b interrupt.
They've probably chosen to generate the stack overflow to let the program restart from beginning and execute again the ANDI instruction (to allow again the interrupts).
It's a strange way to do the job !
I'll try to change my code to test this.
Another littler question : is there a way on the real falcon to get traces of a program that executes inside the DSP ?
It would be nice to compare real traces and hatari traces to see the differences. (I think it's not possible, but I ask anyway, in case of :)
Best regard,
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