Atari coding BBS
Re: Free memory on a 2MB STE |
Posted by: evil
I don't think you can have a reliable number for this. Different harddisk driver uses different amount of memory. And if that wasn't enough, most drivers also have variable (user defined) cache size. I'd say it's hopeless to know how much space the harddisk driver is using.
Then NVDI, different versions uses differnt amount of memory. And again, there are user defined cache sizes and the more fonts you have installed, the more memory it uses. I'd say it's hopeless to know how much memory it is using as well.
To tell you how we solve it this time around. On 2MB machines one have to use floppydisks where the demo is loaded from the auto folder. This gives 1962*1024 bytes free memory. On 4MB machines it will work from desktop with harddisk drivers etc. I don't think it's much of a problem. Those who invest money in a harddisk surely invest a couple of euros more to have 4MB mem.
Anders Eriksson
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