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GEMDOS loading with music
Posted by: Per Almered (XiA) Aug,19.2009-13:02 

As Wizztom correctly pointed out at Sommarhack 2009, I'm not very nice to my audience when I load huge amounts of data without giving people something to watch, so for my next little demo I'm playing music and a small animation while the program is loading.

I'm doing this by putting the music and animation in the VBL ($70), then loading as usual using GEMDOS. I'm detecting disk changes simply by using OPEN ($3D), and if that fails, I ask the user to insert the next disk.

The obvious advantage is that the user can simply copy all files from all disks to a folder on a harddisk and run it from there instead, which wouldn't be possible with a track loader (and trust me, for this demo, you WILL want to run it from harddisk...).

HOWEVER... This method has NEVER worked in Steem 3.2 or Hatari v1.2 or v1.3 - even though it almost ALWAYS works on the real STE. That's right. Almost. At some disk changes (which seems to change for every compile, even though I'm not really changing anything in the loader), the program asks for next disk, but then doesn't recognize the disk even though it's the correct one.

It works 100% every single time from harddisk, both on the real machine and all the emulators above.

The obvious first theory is a memory leak (I am, after all, the king of unintentional memory leaks), for instance destroying the filename to be loaded, but then it wouldn't work from harddisk...

I've spent a bit over 12 hours on this now, and I'm really quite confused by now. Anyone else had problems GEMDOS loading with VBL stuff running?

Thanks in advance,


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Topic Posted by  Date 
GEMDOS loading with music Per Almered (XiA) Aug,19.2009-13:02
  Re: GEMDOS loading with music PeP Aug,19.2009-14:30
    Re: GEMDOS loading with music Per Almered (XiA) Aug,19.2009-15:08
      Re: GEMDOS loading with music PeP Aug,19.2009-15:43
        Re: GEMDOS loading with music Per Almered (XiA) Aug,19.2009-16:28
          Re: GEMDOS loading with music Bod Aug,19.2009-20:10
            Re: GEMDOS loading with music lp060 Aug,19.2009-20:17
              Re: GEMDOS loading with music Per Almered (XiA) Aug,19.2009-21:26
                Re: GEMDOS loading with music ggn Aug,20.2009-08:01
                  Re: GEMDOS loading with music Per Almered (XiA) Aug,20.2009-10:05
                    Re: GEMDOS loading with music evil Aug,20.2009-15:13
                      Re: GEMDOS loading with music Per Almered (XiA) Aug,20.2009-21:10
                        Re: GEMDOS loading with music Per Almered (XiA) Aug,20.2009-22:12
                        Re: GEMDOS loading with music evil Aug,21.2009-14:58
                          Re: GEMDOS loading with music Per Almered (XiA) Aug,21.2009-15:38
                            Re: GEMDOS loading with music evil Aug,21.2009-17:48
                    Re: GEMDOS loading with music ggn Aug,21.2009-09:34
                      Re: GEMDOS loading with music Per Almered (XiA) Aug,21.2009-14:29
                        Re: GEMDOS loading with music ggn Aug,21.2009-15:07

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