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Atari coding BBS
Re: STE video registers
Posted by: Bod/STAX May,05.2005-19:01 

Hmm... I've removed any sync code now and all I'm doing is scrolling a degas .PI1 picture vertically from the bottom of the screen to the top. Although it scrolls it's not by 160 byes per line as it should, it seems to be less. The actual code is:

loop: bsr vsync
move.l screen,d0
lea $ffff8200.w,a0
move.b d0,$d(a0)
lsr.w #8,d0
move.b d0,$3(a0)
swap d0
move.b d0,$1(a0)
add.l #160,screen
move.l screen,d0
move.l screen_end,d1
cmp.l d1,d0
blt.s loop

To me it seems to be ignoring the setting of the low byte ($d) as removing this produces the same effect. Any ideas?

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Topic Posted by  Date 
STE video registers Bod/STAX May,04.2005-18:51
  Re: STE video registers ray May,05.2005-11:26
    Re: STE video registers Bod/STAX May,05.2005-11:51
      Re: STE video registers ray May,05.2005-14:09
        Re: STE video registers Bod/STAX May,05.2005-19:01
          Re: STE video registers ray May,05.2005-19:08
            Re: STE video registers Bod/STAX May,05.2005-19:42
              Re: STE video registers ggn/KUA May,06.2005-07:46

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