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Re: DSP host bandwidth
Posted by: jasn Mar,03.2006-05:55 

Peter: Dual port ram would be sweet, too involved for me, however. Imagine soldering those tiny wires onto the DSP, 16 address lines + 24 data lines. It would be easier to reproduce a DSP board to sit on the expansion connector.

Earx: Thanx for understanding my idea. Yes, simply buffer the host transfers so the main cpu isn't tied down with wait states (polling or not, access to the host port is much slower than st-ram).

16bit host transfer would allow twice as much bandwidth. That would be nice but I still don't think it solves the problem. 8mb/s vs. ~100mb/s for CT60 access to fast-ram. Also, there are only 8 host data lines present on the 56001 so we're stuck unless we replace the DSP.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
DSP host bandwidth jasn Feb,26.2006-00:08
  Re: DSP host bandwidth earx Feb,26.2006-00:42
    Re: DSP host bandwidth jasn Feb,27.2006-05:17
    ct2b beats ct60 in host xfers? jasn Feb,27.2006-07:17
      Re: ct2b beats ct60 in host xfers? mikro Feb,27.2006-11:09
        Re: ct2b beats ct60 in host xf sqward Feb,27.2006-16:19
  Re: DSP host bandwidth Peter Mar,02.2006-10:56
    Re: DSP host bandwidth earx Mar,02.2006-13:33
      Re: DSP host bandwidth earx Mar,02.2006-16:51
        Re: DSP host bandwidth Peter Mar,02.2006-18:02
          Re: DSP host bandwidth jasn Mar,03.2006-05:55
            Re: DSP host bandwidth earx Mar,04.2006-11:46
              Re: Platform viable? jasn Mar,05.2006-22:15
                Re: Platform viable? earx Mar,06.2006-09:48
  Re: DSP host bandw. (blitter?) Peter Mar,08.2006-14:52
    Re: DSP host bandw. (blitter?) mikro Mar,08.2006-23:57
      Re: DSP host bandw. (blitter?) Cyprian Mar,09.2006-02:10
        Re: DSP host bandw. (blitter?) Peter Mar,09.2006-11:32
          Re: DSP host bandw. (blitter?) Cyprian Mar,09.2006-12:19
        Re: DSP host bandw. (blitter?) mikro Mar,09.2006-12:44
          Re: DSP host bandw. (blitter?) Cyprian Mar,09.2006-13:04
            Re: DSP host bandw. (blitter?) earx Mar,09.2006-15:38
              Re: DSP host bandw. (blitter?) mikro Mar,09.2006-16:26
                Re: DSP host bandw. (blitter?) earx Mar,10.2006-10:33
      Re: DSP host bandw. (blitter?) Peter Mar,09.2006-11:30
        Re: DSP host bandw. (blitter?) earx Mar,09.2006-15:21

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