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Re: Another STE question
Posted by: evil May,13.2012-13:17 

I can't debug any further without knowing what you use Timer-B and more importatnly no way to see the code :)

So just for the heck of it, I did a quick test that

1. Sets a new background colour each scanline (Timer B)
2. Removes lower border (Timber B one scanline early + HBL STOP)
3. Blit 1-17 64x64 blocks

I got it to work both with having the bliter passes go onder one VBL as well as over one VBL.

The VBL interrupts seems stable, so does the lower border. However, the rasters move a little, I don't see how that can be avoided. The blitter pass is simply too large (half a scanline).

Here's the source and tools for gfx conversion I used:

Hopefully you can find something useful in there.

Anders Eriksson

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Another STE question Bod/STAX May,10.2012-20:28
  Re: Another STE question RA/pdx May,11.2012-11:56
    Re: Another STE question Bod/STAX May,11.2012-13:06
    Re: Another STE question Cyprian May,11.2012-13:17
      Re: Another STE question RA/pdx May,11.2012-21:04
        Re: Another STE question Bod/STAX May,12.2012-12:41
          Re: Another STE question evil May,12.2012-14:45
            Re: Another STE question Bod/STAX May,12.2012-17:56
              Re: Another STE question evil May,12.2012-18:24
                Re: Another STE question Bod/STAX May,12.2012-21:20
                  Re: Another STE question evil May,13.2012-13:17
                    Re: Another STE question Frank b May,14.2012-20:16
              Re: Another STE question Cyprian May,13.2012-18:22
  Re: Another STE question Patrice Mandin May,13.2012-14:38
    Re: Another STE question Bod/STAX May,15.2012-11:15
      Re: Another STE question evil May,16.2012-09:17
        Re: Another STE question Bod/STAX May,16.2012-21:30
          Re: Another STE question evil May,16.2012-22:40
            Re: Another STE question Bod/STAX May,17.2012-01:10
              Re: Another STE question Klaz May,17.2012-14:08
                Re: Another STE question Bod/STAX May,17.2012-21:35
                  Re: Another STE question dan/pdx May,18.2012-16:03
                    Re: Another STE question Bod/STAX May,18.2012-20:24
                      Re: Another STE question Bod/STAX May,19.2012-16:21

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