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Atari demoscene BBS
Re: YM2149
Posted by: AdamK Jun,02.2024-11:36 

I found the spec here

If I'm reading this correctly, YM can be clocked up to 2MHz (which IIRC ST does) and at that clokk, max noise frequency is 125KHz, but i'm not sure how samples are being written to YM2149, any hint?

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Topic Posted by  Date 
YM2149 AdamK May,31.2024-21:18
  Re: YM2149 evil Jun,01.2024-19:31
    Re: YM2149 Cyprian Jun,01.2024-23:09
      Re: YM2149 evil Jun,02.2024-10:57
        Re: YM2149 Paranoid Jun,02.2024-11:13
          Re: YM2149 AdamK Jun,02.2024-11:36
            Re: YM2149 Cyprian Jun,02.2024-13:11
              Re: YM2149 Paranoid Jun,02.2024-13:50
                Re: YM2149 evil Jun,02.2024-16:50
                  Re: YM2149 Cyprian Jun,02.2024-18:13

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