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Re: Zero Bitplane Demo
Posted by: PeyloW May,30.2024-21:46 

Zero biplanes I interpret as screen pointer should point to a screen sized block of all zeroes. Beyond that anything goes.
This category would be easier to enforce on an Amiga, where each biplane can be disabled, including disabling them all, for literally zero biplanes ;).

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Zero Bitplane Demo Cyprian May,29.2024-17:23
  Re: Zero Bitplane Demo evil May,29.2024-18:19
    Re: Zero Bitplane Demo PeyloW May,30.2024-21:46
      Re: Zero Bitplane Demo mikro May,31.2024-08:50
      Re: Zero Bitplane Demo Cyprian May,31.2024-10:44
        Re: Zero Bitplane Demo evil Jun,01.2024-19:15
          Re: Zero Bitplane Demo Cyprian Jun,01.2024-23:02
            Re: Zero Bitplane Demo PeyloW Jun,02.2024-03:36

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